

3D graphics :The most important part of this site is dedicated to 3D graphics : pictures, objects and animations, free downloads. Poser 4, 3DS Max, tools , hints and tips and some links.

Computing : Few  programs in Rexx and Visual Basic 6, links.

Euros : Euros coins and the point on a collection

Others : Others subjects come



 Navigation : click the page of your choice                      |_ fourre-tout__|                                  

 pages in bleue offer downloads                                      _____|_______

                                                                               |english intro__|


                    |__Euros______|   |_Computing__|     |__3D intro____|      |__Others_____|



               |___Poser 4___|   |Poser4 & more|     |__Poser 5_____|      |_3DS Max____|      |__Tools_____|         |__Links_____|



|_Gallery  __|   |_Animations__|    |_Animations 2__|    |_Props___|     |_Props 2__|    |Figures & clothes|        |_Poses & others_|

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